
Invest with a Plan

Riihi reduces stress and anxiety of everyday saver by helping to create and maintain a Plan that leads to easy but disciplined investing. We aim to offer an entry into stock investing and educate users about how corporate finance works while also teaching them about the companies they invest in.

Shortlist options

Use Riihi to shortlist investment options based on financial metrics like industry, sector, debt carrying capacity, growth or paid dividends or create your custom metric calculated from fundamental financial data. Find the saving targets that suit you.

Understand companies

Narrow down the list further by reading about the companies and scoring them based on your personal assessment. Gain in-depth understanding of the industry and the companies you invest in.

Follow the Plan

Define success metrics for your plan and start to invest to companies that score high on your Plan. Get a plan that makes continuous investing disciplined, logical and easy.

Get Feedback and Adjust

Execute your Plan for some months. Get feedback on how your Plan performs against success metrics. Get notifications when a company stops fulfilling your criteria. Adjust your Plan and Portfolio and repeat. Get a reminder to adjust your Plan to keep it current with your needs, market changes and changes in companies.



Become an Early Adopter.

Get a chance to be involved in creating Riihi and to provide your valuable feedback!

NOTE: Riihi is at an early stage of development. We are still validating both the problem and solution. Project might be discontinued before a live product is available.